Welcome to the reseach profile of Wolfgang John

About me:

I am a Research Leader, scientist, and computer engineer with a background of around 25 years in the IT and telecommunications business - a majority of them in Cloud, computing, and network research. You can find a good overview of my research work through a detailed list of my publications. In this list, I try to have pre-prints of all my publications available for open acess. Every now and then, I also write about my work in the Ericsson Blog. On social networks, I am only mildly active on LinkedIn.

Currently, I work as Principal Researcher at Ericsson Research, facilitating applied research and innovation at the intersection of cloud & networks. Specifically I am focusing on the role of computing in upcoming 6G network platforms. Earlier, I was doing research around Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Software Defined Networking (SDN), and network management.
During my graduate studies at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, I was active in the research field of Internet measurement, traffic analysis, traffic classification, and network security issues from the perspective of backbone links. During this time, I was also a guest researcher at CAIDA (UCSD) in San Diego. At the very beginning of my career, I had the opportunity to gather first work experience in the operations department of a large cell-phone provider.

As a leader, I have a proven track record as project manager in big, publicly funded international research projects (e.g., EU FP7 projects SPARC and UNIFY), internal cross-organizational research programs, as well as focused internal research projects. I am also actively contributing to research strategies related to my expertise both on department and division level. During almost 4 years, I had the pleasure of learning a lot by leading, coaching, and mentoring team members and colleagues in the capacity as research section manager.

As a scientist, my current role as Principle Researcher in network compute convergence allows me to actively contribute to the long term vision of Ericsson and Ericsson's research division, and act as permanent expert in Ericsson Cloud patent board. I have a record of more than 50+ scientific papers on topics like Computational offloading, 6G, Edge, Cloud, NFV, SDN, network management, and traffic analysis, plus additional 15+ patents and patent applications. In terms of community activities, I am frequently participating in conference organization and program committees (IEEE NetSoft, IEEE 6GNet, IEEE NFV-SDN, IEEE NoF, CLOSER, IEEE ICCCN, IARIA SOFTNETWORKING, ApPLIED) as well as peer reviewing for noted scientific journals (IEEE TNSM, IEEE TDSC, IEEE JSAC, IEEE TWC, IEEE Commag, IEEE Comm. Letters, Elsevier COMNET, Elsevier COMCOM, Elsevier JSS, Wiley IJNM).

As a computer engineer, my technical skills span:
· Cloud & Edge computing and networking  
· Operating systems and distributed systems
· Wireless telecommunication systems (4G, 5G, 6G)
· Wired network technologies and protocols (Internet protocols)
· NFV and SDN concepts and technologies
· Network and system management, OAM
· Machine learning techniques
· Scripting and programming languages

Contact Details:
email:     wolfgang(dot)john(at)gmail(dot)com