Wolfgang John: Publications

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[Journal Articles]  [Conference Papers]  [Posters and Demos]  [Technical Reports and Internet Drafts] [Blogs] [Theses] [Patents]



Journal Articles
[J8] Azimeh Sefidcon, Wolfgang John, Miljenko Opsenica, Björn Skubic
The Network Compute Fabric – advancing digital transformation with ever-present service continuity. Ericsson Technology Review 2021 (7), 1-12, Ericsson 2021
[J7] Wolfgang John, Chandramouli Sargor, Robert Szabo, Ahsan Javed Awan, Chakri Padala, Edvard Drake, Martin Julien, Miljenko Opsenica
The future of Cloud computing: Highly distributed with heterogeneous hardware. Ericsson Technology Review 2020 (5), 1-14, Ericsson 2020 PDF
[J6] Xuejun Cai,
Wolfgang John,
Catalin Meirosu
Automatic data aggregation for recursively modeled NFV services. International Journal of Nework Management, 28 (02), Wiley 2018 DOI
[J5] Wolfgang John, Guido Marchetto, Felician Nemeth, Pontus Sköldström, Rebecca Steinert, Catalin Meirosu, Ioanna Papafili, Kostas Pentikousis Service Provider DevOps. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55 (01) pp. 204-211, IEEE 2017 PDF
[J4] Catalin Meirosu, Wolfgang John, Miljenko Opsenica, Tomas Mecklin, Fatih Degirmenci, Torsten Dinsing DevOps: fueling the evolution toward 5G networks. Ericsson Techology Review 2017 (5), 1-13, Ericsson 2017 PDF
[J3] Wolfgang John, Andras Kern, Mario Kind, Pontus Sköldström, Dimitri Staessens, Hagen Woesner  SplitArchitecture: SDN for the carrier domain. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52 (10) pp. 146 - 152, IEEE 2014 PDF
[J2] Wolfgang John,
Sven Tafvelin,
Tomas Olovsson
Passive Internet Measurement: Overview and Guidelines based on Experiences. Computer Communications, 33 (5) pp. 533 - 550, Elsevier 2010 PDF
 [J1] Wolfgang John,
Tomas Olovsson
Detection of Malicious Traffic on Backbone links via Packet Header Analysis. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 25 (5) pp. 342 - 358, Emerald 2008 PDF


Conference Papers
[C30] Vinay Yadhav, Andrew Williams, Ondrej Smid, Jimmy Kjällman, Raihan Ul Islam, Joacim Halén, Wolfgang John
Benefits of Dynamic Computational Offloading for Mobile Devices. CLOSER'24: Int. Conf. on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Angers, France, INSTICC 2024 [Best Poster Award]
[C29] Wolfgang John, Ali Balador, Jalil Taghia, Andreas Johnsson, Johan Sjöberg, Ian Marsh, Jonas Gustafsson, Federico Tonini, Paolo Monti, Pontus Sköldström, Jim Dowling
ANIARA Project - Automation of Network Edge Infrastructure and Applications with Artificial Intelligence. AEiC'22: 26th Ada-Europe Int. Conf. on Reliable Software Techologies, DeCPS Workshop, Ghent, Belgium, ACM 2022
[C28] Wolfgang John, Joacim Halen, Xuejun Cai, Chunyan Fu, Torgny Holmberg, Vladimir Katardjiev, Tomas Mecklin, Mina Sedaghat, Pontus Sköldström, Daniel Turull, Vinay Yadhav, James Kempf Making Cloud Easy: Design Considerations and First Components of a Distributed Operating System for Cloud. HotCloud'18: 10th Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing, Boston, MA, USA, USENIX 2018 PDF
[C27] Steven van Rossem, Xuejun Cai, Ivano Cerrato, Per Danielsson, Felician Nemeth, Bertrand Pechenot, Istvan Pelle, Fulvio Risso, Sachin Sharma, Pontus Sköldström, Wolfgang John NFV Service Dynamicity with a DevOps approach: Insights from a Use-case Realization. IFIP/IEEE IM 2017: International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Experienced Session, Lisbon, Portugal, IEEE 2017 [Best Experience Paper Award]
[C26] Wolfgang John,
Farnaz Moradi,
Bertrand Pechenot,
Pontus Sköldström
Meeting the Observablity Challenges for VNFs in 5G systems. IFIP/IEEE 5GMan:  International Workshop on Management of 5G Networks (in conjunction with the IFIP/IEEE IM 2017), Lisbon, Portugal, IEEE 2017 PDF
[C25] Chunyan Fu,
Wolfgang John,
Catalin Meirosu 
EPLE: an Efficient Passive Lightweight Estimator for SDN Packet Loss Measurement. IEEE NFV-SDN'16: Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks, Palo Alto, CA, USA, IEEE 2016 PDF
[C24] Xuejun Cai,
Wolfgang John,
Catalin Meirosu
Recursively querying monitoring data in NFV environments. IEEE NetSoft'16: Conference on Network Softwareization, Seoul, Korea, IEEE 2016  PDF
[C23] Wolfgang John, Catalin Meirosu, Bertrand Pechenot, Pontus Sköldström, Per Kreuger, Rebecca Steinert Scalable software defined monitoring for Service Provider Devops. EWSDN'15: European Workshop on Software Defined Networks, Bilbao, Spain, IEEE 2015 PDF
[C22] Serena Spinoso, Matteo Virgilio, Wolfgang John, Antonio Manzalini, Guido Marchetto, Riccardo Sisto Formal verification of virtual network function graphs in an SP-DevOps context. ESOCC'15: European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, Taormina, Italy, Springer 2015 PDF
[C21] Pontus Sköldström, Balazs Sonkoly, András Gulyás, Felicián Németh, Mario Kind, Fritz-Joachim Westphal, Wolfgang John,
Jokin Garay, Eduardo Jacob, Janos Elek, Dávid Jocha, Robert Szabó, Wouter Tavernier, George Agapiou, Antonio Manzalini, Matthias Rost, Nadi Sarrar, Stefan Schmid
Towards Unified Programmability of Cloud and Carrier Infrastructure. EWSDN'14: European Workshop on Software Defined Networks, Budapest, Hungary, IEEE 2014 PDF
[C20] Wolfgang John, Kostas Pentikousis, George Agapiou, Eduardo Jacob,
Mario Kind, Antonio Manzalini, Fulvio Risso, Dimitri Staessens, Rebecca Steinert, Catalin Meirosu
Research Directions in Network Service Chaining. SDN4FNS'13: SDN for Future Networks and Services, Trento, Italy, IEEE 2013 PDF
[C19] Peter Ohlen,
Bjorn Skubic,
Zere Ghebretensae,
Wolfgang John,
Meral Shirazipour
Software-defined networking in a multi-purpose DWDM-centric metro/aggregation network. Globecom Workshop on SDN on Optics, Atlanta, GA, USA, IEEE 2013 PDF
[C18] Andras Csaszar, Wolfgang John, Mario Kind, Catalin Meirosu, Gergely Pongracz, Dimitri Staessens, Attila Takacs, Fritz-Joachim Westphal Unifying Cloud and Carrier Networks: EU FP7 project UNIFY. DCC'13: Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing, Dresden, Germany, IEEE 2013 PDF
[C17] Pontus Sköldström,
Wolfgang John
Implementation and Evaluation of a Carrier-grade OpenFlow Virtualization Scheme . EWSDN'13: European Workshop on Software Defined Networks, Berlin, Germany, IEEE 2013 PDF
[C16] Alisa Devlic,
Wolfgang John,
Pontus Sköldström
A Use-case based Analysis of Network Management Functions in the ONF SDN Model. EWSDN'12: European Workshop on Software Defined Networks, Darmstadt, Germany, IEEE 2012 PDF
[C15] Behrooz Sangchoolie,
Mazdak Rajabi Nasab,
Tomas Olovsson,
Wolfgang John
Assessing the Quality of Packet-Level Traces Collected on Internet Backbone Links. Nordsec '12: 17th Nordic Conference in Secure IT Systems, Blekinge, Sweden, Springer 2012 PDF
[C14] Meral Shirazipour,
Wolfgang John,
James Kempf,
Howard Green,
Mallik Tatipamula
Realizing Packet-Optical Integration with SDN and OpenFlow 1.1 Extensions. SDN'12: Workshop on Software Defined Networks, co-located with IEEE ICC, Ottawa, Canada, IEEE 2012 PDF
[C13] Per Hurtig,
Wolfgang John,
Anna Brunström
Recent Trends in TCP Packet-Level Characteristics. ICNS '11: International Conference on Networking and Services, Venice, Italy, IARIA 2011 PDF

[C12] Peter Dorfinger,
Georg Panholzer,
Wolfgang John
Entropy Estimation for Real-time Encrypted Traffic Identification. TMA '11: International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Vienna, Austria, Springer 2011
[C11] Farnaz Moradi,
Magnus Almgren,
Wolfgang John,
Tomas Olovsson,
Philippas Tsigas
On Collection of Large-Scale Multi-Purpose Datasets on Internet Backbone Links. BADGERS '11: Building Analysis Datasets and Gathering Experience Returns for Security, Salzburg, Austria, 2011
[C10] Magnus Almgren,
Wolfgang John
Tracking Malicious Hosts on an 10Gbps Backbone Link. Nordsec '10: 15th Nordic Conference in Secure IT Systems, Espoo, Finland, Springer 2010 PDF
[C9] Wolfgang John,
Maurizio Dusi,
kc claffy
Estimating Routing Symmetry on Single Links by Passive Flow Measurements. TRAC'10: International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), TRAC Workshop, Caen, France, ACM 2010 PDF
[C8] Sebastian Castro,
Min Zhang,
Wolfgang John,
Duanne Wessels,
kc claffy
Understanding and Preparing for DNS Evolution. TMA '10: International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Zurich, Switzerland, Springer 2010 PDF
[C7] Min Zhang,
Wolfgang John,
Changjia Chen
Architecture and Download Behavior of Xunlei: A Measurement-Based Study. ICETC'10: 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer, Shanghai, China, IEEE 2010 PDF
[C6] Min Zhang,
Maurizio Dusi,
Wolfgang John,
Changjia Chen
Analysis of UDP Traffic Usage on Internet Backbone Links. SAINT'09: 9th Annual Symposium on Applications & the Internet, Student Session, Seattle, WA, USA; IEEE 2009 PDF
[C5] Erik Hjelmvik,
Wolfgang John
Statistical Protocol IDentification with SPID: Preliminary Results. SNCNW'09: 6th Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, 2009 PDF
[C4] Wolfgang John,
Sven Tafvelin,
Tomas Olovsson
Trends and Differences in Connection-behavior within Classes of Internet Backbone Traffic. PAM '08: 9th International Conference on Passive and Active Measurement, Cleveland, OH, USA; Springer 2008 PDF
[C3] Wolfgang John,
Sven Tafvelin
Heuristics to Classifiy Internet Backbone Traffic based on Connection Patterns. ICOIN '08: 22nd International Conference on Information Networking, ISBN/ISSN: 978-89-960761-0-0, Busan, Korea; IEEE 2008 PDF
[C2] Wolfgang John,
Sven Tafvelin
Analysis of Internet Backbone Traffic and Header Anomalies observed. IMC '07: 7th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, San Diego, CA, USA; ACM 2007 PDF
[C1] Wolfgang John,
Sven Tafvelin
Differences between In- and Outbound Internet Backbone Traffic. TERENA Networking Conference 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007 PDF


Posters and Demos
[P6] Pontus Sköldström, Daniel Turull, Mina Sedaghat, Madhubala Ganesan, Vinay Yadhav, Amardeep Mehta, Joacim Halén, Wolfgang John
Nefele: Simplifying Application Development for the Cloud. IEEE FAS*W: International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems, Demo Session, Umeå, Sweden, IEEE, 2019
[P5] Steven van Rossem, Xuejun Cai, Ivano Cerrato, Per Danielsson, Felician Nemeth, Bertrand Pechenot, Istvan Pelle, Fulvio Risso, Sachin Sharma, Pontus Sköldström, Wolfgang John NFV Service Dynamicity with a DevOps approach: Demonstrating Zero-Touch Deployment & Operations. IFIP/IEEE IM 2017: International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, Demo Session, Lisbon, Portugal, IEEE 2017 PDF
[P4] Wolfgang John,
Catalin Meirosu
Low-overhead Packet Loss and One-way Delay Measurements in Service Provider SDN. ONS'14: Open Networking Summit, Santa Clara, CA, USA, 2014 PDF
[P3] Alisa Devlic,
Wolfgang John,
Pontus Sköldström
Carrier-grade Network Management Extensions to the SDN Framework. SNCNW'12: Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012 PDF
[P2] kc claffy,
Min Zhang,
Wolfgang John

DITL: Collecting Global Empirical Data to Support Internet Research. PAM'10: 11th International Conference on Passive and Active Measurement, Zurich, Switzerland, 2010

 [P1] Min Zhang,
Wolfgang John,
kc claffy,
Nevil Brownlee
State of the Art in Traffic Classification: A Research Review. PAM'09: 10th International Conference on Passive and Active Measurement,  Seoul, Korea, 2009 PDF

Technical Reports and Internet Drafts
[R12] G. Wikström, P. Persson, S. Parkvall, G. Mildh, E. Dahlman, B. Balakrishnan, P. Öhlen, E. Trojer, G. Rune, J. Arkko, Z. Turanyi, D. Roeland, B. Sahlin, W. John, J. Halen, H. Björkegren
6G – Connecting a cyber-physical world. Ericsson Whitepaper Feb. 2022
[R11] Ian Marsh, Wolfgang John, Ali Balador, Federico Tonini, Jalil Taghia, Andreas Johnsson, Paolo Monti, Jonas Gustafsson, Pontus Sköldström, Johan Sjöberg, Jim Dowling
Evolving 5G: ANIARA, an Edge-Cloud perspective. arXiv:2205.03098, arXiv 2022
[R10] Mina Sedaghat, Pontus Sköldström, Daniel Turull, Vinay Yadhav, Joacim Halén, Madhubala Ganesan, Amardeep Mehta, Wolfgang John
Nefele: Process Orchestration for the Cloud. Preprint of Ericsson Manuscript, arXiv:2006.07163, arXiv 2020 PDF
[R9] Catalin Meirosu, Antonio Manzalini, Rebecca Steinert, Guido Marchetto, Kostas Pentikousis, Steven Wright, Pierre Lynch, Wolfgang John DevOps for software-defined telecom infrastructures. Internet Draft, draft-unify-nfvrg-devops (work in progress), IRTF NFVRG, 2016 Draft
[R8] Felician Nemeth,
Wolfgang John, eds.
Public SP-DevOpsPro code base. Project Deliverable D4.4, EU FP7 Project UNIFY, 2016 PDF
[R7] Guido Marchetto,
Riccardo Sisto,
Wolfgang John, eds.
Final Service Provider DevOps concept and evaluation. Project Deliverable D4.3, EU PF7 Project UNIFY, 2016 arXiv
[R6] Rebecca Steinert, 
Wolfgang John, eds.
Service Provider DevOps network capabilities and tools. Project Deliverable D4.2, EU PF7 Project UNIFY, 2015 arXiv
[R5] Wolfgang John,
Catalin Meirosu, eds.
Initial Service Provider DevOps concept, capabilities and proposed tools. Project Deliverable D4.1, EU FP7 Project UNIFY, 2014 arXiv
[R4] Wolfgang John, ed. Split Architecture for Large-Scale Wide-Area Networks. Project Deliverable D3.3, EU FP7 Project SPARC, 2012 arXiv
[R3] Wolfgang John,
Zhemin Ding, eds.
Update on Split Architecture for Large-Scale Wide-Area Networks. Project Deliverable D3.2, EU FP7 Project SPARC, 2011 PDF
 [R2] Erik Hjelmvik,
Wolfgang John
Breaking and Improving Protocol Obfuscation. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Technical Report No: 2010-05, ISSN 1652-926x, 2010 PDF
[R1] Wolfgang John,
Sven Tafvelin
Experiences from Passive Internet Traffic Measurements. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Technical Report No: 2008-17, ISSN 1652-926x, 2008 PDF

[B8] Remi Robert, Wolfgang John, Johan Sjöberg, Joacim Halén
Opportunities with dynamic device offloading as a 6G service. Ericsson Blog, Sep. 2023
[B7] Patrik Persson, Jari Arkko, Wolfgang John, Stefan Parkvall, Gustav Wikström
What to expect from 6G: Here are nine important takeaways from early global research. Ericsson Blog, Feb. 2023
[B6] Wolfgang John, Per Persson, Azimeh Sefidcon
Why the world needs a pervasive Network Compute Fabric. Ericsson Blog, Feb. 2021
 [B5] Wolfgang John, Chakri Padala, Harald Gustafsson, Azimeh Sefidcon, Ahsan Javed Awan
How will distributed compute and storage improve future networks? Ericsson Blog, Feb. 2020
 [B4] Gemma Vall-llosera, Ahsan Javed Awan, Azimeh Sefidcon, Wolfgang John
How could quantum computers boost future telecom infrastructure? Ericsson Blog, Sept. 2019 Blog
 [B3] James Kempf, Joacim Halén, Wolfgang John  Cloud 3.0: Making Cloud Easy. Ericsson Blog, Nov. 2017
 [B2] Wolfgang John, Catalin Meirosu
Service Provider DevOps: Evolving NFV deployment and operations. Ericsson Blog, April 2017 Blog
 [B1] Wolfgang John
DevOps for Service Providers - next generation tools. Ericsson Blog, Dec. 2015

 [T4] Wolfgang John Characterization and Classification of Internet Backbone Traffic. PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 2010 PDF
 [T3] Wolfgang John On Measurement and Analysis of Internet Backbone Traffic. Licenciate Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 2008 PDF
 [T2] Andreas Franz,
Wolfgang John,
Philipp Nagele
Integration of Positioning Capability into an Existing RFID Environment. Master Thesis, School of Information Science, Computer and Electical Engineering, Halmstad University, Sweden, 2004 PDF
 [T1] Wolfgang John Ueberwachung von Internetdiensten mittels PFIS - Patrol for Internet Services. Diploma Thesis, University of Applied Sciences and Technology Salzburg, Austria, 2001  

Published Patents
[Pa12] Pontus Sköldström, Wolfgang John, Vinay Yadhav, Mina Sedaghat
Dynamic code execution in the 5G user-plane, US Patent Application

[Pa11] Xuejun Cai, Mina Sedaghat, Joacim Ha lén, Wolfgang John
Method and system for managing transmission of probe messages for detection of failure, WO Patent Application WO2019172814A1, 2018 Link
[Pa10] Xuejun Cai, Mina Sedaghat, Joacim Halén, Wolfgang John Method and first node for managing transmission of probe messages, WO Patent Application WO2019164428A1, 2018 Link
[Pa9] Xuejun Cai, Mina Sedaghat, Joacim Halén, Wolfgang John

Method and first node for selecting second node for transmission of indirect probe message to third node, WO Patent Application WO2019164426A1, 2018

[Pa8] Chunyan Fu, Mina Sedaghat, Joacim Halén, Wolfgang John
Process placement in a cloud environment based on automatically optimized placement policies and process execution profiles, WO Patent Application WO2019135703A1, 2018 Link
[Pa7] Chunyan Fu, Mina Sedaghat, Joacim Halén, Wolfgang John Adaptive application assignment to distributed cloud resources, WO Patent Application WO2019135704A1, 2018 Link
[Pa6] Farnaz Moradi, Wolfgang John, Christofer Flinta, Bertrand Pechenot, Pontus Sköldström

Message queue performance monitoring, WO Patent Application WO2018199817A1, 2017

[Pa5] Catalin Meirosu, Wolfgang John Method and arrangement for selectively migrating data of a virtualized network function, WO Patent Application WO2018013018A12018 Link
[Pa4] Catalin Meirosu, Chunyan Fu, Wolfgang John, James Kempf Path continuity determination in an aggregate flow environment, US Patent Application 20170324625A1, 2017 Link
[Pa3] Wolfgang John,
Catalin Meirosu
Automated flow devolvement in an aggregate flow environment, European Patent EP3175582B1, 2017 Link
[Pa2] Catalin Meirosu,
Wolfgang John
Energy efficiency in Software Defined Networks, US Patent US9509565B2, 2016 Link
 [Pa1] Wolfgang John,
Catalin Meirosu
Operation, Administration and Maintainance (OAM) for Software-Defined Networks (SDN), US Patent US9680698B2, 2015 Link

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